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windows 10 updates not working

kris van
windows 10 updates not working

Windows 10 updates not working

An upgrade can shift your device from an older to a newer version of Windows. Doing this can provide you with numerous benefits. However, there could be various reasons due to which you could face issues while installing Windows 10 or while updating the software. The common errors related to ‘Windows 10 updates not working’ can be fixed by following a few simple steps that you can do on your own.

Here are the most effective solutions you can use to try and fix the issue.


Run the Windows Update Troubleshooter

If any component of Windows 10 is not working, then you can simply run Windows 10’s in-built Troubleshooting utility. You need to follow these simple steps to identify the issue.

Step 1: Open the Control Panel > Switch to Icons > Click Troubleshooting > Click on View all > Click on Windows Update > Click on Next  

Step 2: Click on Next and proceed with the troubleshooter steps all till the end

The Troubleshooter will help you identify all the problems with the Windows Update and fix the problems that it points to. Once you have run the Troubleshooter successfully, you need to restart your computer and start installing Windows Updates once it boots up.


kris van
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