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Web Professionals - Why switch to cPanel Shared Hosting?

Web Professionals - Why switch to cPanel Shared Hosting?

CPanel is one of the most popular web hosting control panels today. This control panel is free and comes with a set of tools that can make the lives of website owners much simpler. There are many people that think that cPanel is an expensive choice. It is true that you have to pay to get cPanel, but this is not the case in every sense. There are also many options available that do not cost much more than cPanel.

One of the best features of cPanel shared hosting packages is the installation of SSL/TLS/HTTPS servers. Most hosting packages do not come with these. When you install an SSL/TLS Certificate with cPanel, you get the added security and functionality that you need.

Another great feature that you get with cPanel shared hosting is VPS

With VPS, you get dedicated server features that virtual servers do not offer. For example, you can install a web server with hundreds of gigabytes of disk space and have it remain separated from the other websites on the same server. With dedicated servers, you will not share bandwidth with any other website.

There are many things to think about when it comes to choosing cPanel shared hosting plans. The monthly price includes everything that you will need to have running for the life of your account. You will pay for the amount of disk space and the amount of memory that you use. The annual price includes the cost of SSL certificates and will also include the monthly price of any extras that you may want to be able to take advantage of. There are many different packages that you can take advantage of, so make sure that you understand everything that is included in your plan before you decide which one to go with.

Some Of The Most Common Features That

You will be offered with cPanel shared hosting plans are SSL certificates and domain names. With an SSL certificate, you will be able to serve secure pages that anyone can view. SSL certificates will prevent someone from stealing your website's information by displaying a message that tells them that your website is protected. Without an SSL certificate, your website will fail to be secure and you will be putting all of your customers at risk. Domain names are another feature that you will be able to utilize with dedicated servers, but you cannot have as much as you can with a shared hosting plan.

FTP capabilities are another common feature

You will have access to with cPanel hosting. You can use this feature to upload any files that you have to other websites or other computers on the internet. With a file transfer protocol, you will be able to upload anything to any computer in the world using a simple Internet connection. When you have a cPanel shared hosting plan, you will not have to worry about any of these problems because everything will be controlled by one computer that will be programmed in a specific way.

Disk space is another important factor that you will want to look at when you are looking over the various cPanel shared hosting plans that are available. If you have a small website that only has a few pages, then you can likely get away with a shared hosting plan that only provides you with ten gigabytes of disk space. However, if you have a larger website that consists of a few different pages

Then you will probably want to consider something that provides you with more disk space, such as a virtual private server (VPS). If you only have a few small web pages, then it won't make much sense to pay for more than you need, which is why most people will opt for virtual private servers hostactor.

There are many benefits that you will be able to enjoy with cPanel hosting plans, which is why so many web professionals are switching their businesses to hosts like this. With cPanel, you will have complete control over your websites, and will never have to worry about downtime or viruses. VPS also gives you a great degree of control, allowing you to set up permissions for individual pages, create passwords, and much more. When you compare the cost of running and maintaining your own dedicated server with paying the price of cPanel, it becomes clear to everyone that switching to a VPS hosting plan is an excellent choice.


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