We are very much aware of the fact that creating apps involves advancements in the features and functionalities that should be integrated into the apps. Therefore, mobile-app-development services Mobile Development Companies are always on the lookout of the latest trends in Augmented Reality (AR) so that they can integrate those trends in the apps for their clients. Therefore, they will be able to come up with super dynamic apps integrated with AR technologies.
Let’s now talk about the AR events that happen around the world which are eyed by most of the developers who want to keep updated about the trends about AR. These major events definitely shape the future of AR and the trends that will be rocking the mobile development market in 2019 and coming years. Most important of the two events are Augmented World Expo and Apple WWDC 2018. Main agenda of these events is the presentation of the facts what is the current status of AR and VR trends in the market and where can we expect the trends to go in the coming years in the mobile app development industry and the market.
Without any further ado, let’s go on discussing the trends related to AR that will rule the roast in the upcoming 2 or further years.
Mobile Development Dubai - Top 5 AR trends that will rock in mobile app development in 2019:
1. Mobile AR: All set to flood the market as Headset AR
AR is offered to mobile users in the form of AR We are very much aware of the fact that creating apps involves advancements in the features and functionalities that should be integrated into the apps.
Therefore, mobile-app-development services Mobile Development Companies
are always on the lookout of the latest trends in Augmented Reality (AR) so that they can integrate those trends in the apps for their clients. Therefore, they will be able to come up with super dynamic apps integrated with AR technologies.
Let’s now talk about the AR events that happen around the world which are eyed by most of the developers who want to keep updated about the trends about AR. These major events definitely shape the future of AR and the trends that will be rocking the mobile development market in 2019 and coming years. Most important of the two events are Augmented World Expo and Apple WWDC 2018. Main agenda of these events is the presentation of the facts what is the current status of AR and VR trends in the market and where can we expect the trends to go in the coming years in the mobile app development industry and the market.
Without any further ado, let’s go on discussing the trends related to AR that will rule the roast in the upcoming 2 or further years.
Top 5 AR trends that will rock in mobile app development in 2019:
1. Mobile AR: All set to flood the market as Headset AR
AR is offered to mobile users in the form of AR integrated apps developed by the mobile development companies. As we all know that in the year 2018 Apple announced ARKit 2.0 in WWDC and ensured leadership in the AR market which was witnessed commonly by the people.
On the technical side, due to advanced products, the mobile AR is positioned in the same line as the headset AR technology. We have many reasons for that. Significant leap in ARKit for app development was seen as the coming of AR into the mobile apps have been successfully accepted by the app users. In addition, Apple also emphasizes new file formats for great UI experiences, shared AR modes, and AR objects, which essentially represent the overall detection and overview of AR objects.
2. Market for Headset AR: Unknown and Uncertain
As you know, uncertainty can be very difficult to handle and we already know that the market for Headset AR is still not finding way into the hearts of the people around the world. The creators of headset featured numerous AR /VR headphones at the World Expo. Many of them show great market potential, but none of them presents any unique innovation.
There is no clear leader in this market niche at all. Microsoft HoloLens offers amazing ease of use but it has its own price problems, so the opportunities for companies to use it are greatly reduced. But this does not prevent developers from giving up creativity in developing the headsets. However, there are companies that think twice about investing in the development of AR headphones as more concentration is on the mobile development, but in the long run it is possible that business owners will generate revenue.
3. Providing more natural UI experience to the users
There are many discussions about improving gesture identification in events. However, tracking the eye list is more interesting. The more natural the product is, the easier it is for the user. You can see it by looking at things, so we live in real life without having to actually turn. This is certainly a great mobile development innovation in the field of AR technology.
We have seen a lot of such AR /VR prototypes, the best of which is the animation of the gesture of the virtual object that the user views and reacts to it. Other companies have focused on minimizing tracking delays, which is a problem in modern AR devices. These delays last only a few milliseconds, but they cause discomfort to people. However, good AR testing does not solve this problem. The best presentation we've seen will help users feel the natural immersion in the expanded environment.
4. New innovations will rule the market in 2019:
If your business philosophy is viable and the designed product is a well-thought-out solution to a well-defined problem, you will have the opportunity to have a good market share and this applies to anyone and everyone associated with mobile development for sure. While this technology would develop rapidly and at the same time perfectly, even though this technology would develop with high technology, this idea can succeed.
For Instance, some companies have shown internal navigation solutions in the AR products that comes as the improvement in them. However, some of these products sacrifice comfort because of their excellent visual performance, and the speed of the product and efficiency may decrease.
The product gradually improved, just like the underlying technology. At the same time, the market is open for them. As ARKits have improved significantly, some innovative products will be widely used in the next few years.
5. Combination of entertainment and AR Products:
No doubt about the fact that we have seen AR technology entering into the zone of entertainment and thus, opening endless opportunities for mobile app development companies to create unique apps for the clients who want their business to reach to the top.
However, entertainment covers all these things, especially in the field of virtual reality, and the chances of lowering it in the near future are low. In other words, we believe in the ultimate opportunity to expand reality through the use of AR into the apps.
Apple shows in the App Store that there are many games for entertainment that are successfully integrated with AR technology. The rapid growth of Augmented reality in mobile development will become increasingly attractive to Wordpress Developers or software developers and businesses. Therefore, we will surely see business owners investing into this to attract more users and offering them apps based on the latest technologies.
Thus, we discussed top 5 trends in the AR industry that are going to rule the market in 2019 and coming years also.