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Virtual dressing room

Neethu Harikumar
Virtual dressing room

Shoppers who use dressing rooms are 71% more likely to buy products than those who simply browse the sales floors. What’s more, shoppers who use fitting rooms purchase approximately two times more items than those who don’t.

The pandemic has made shoppers more confident than ever before when it comes to shopping online, and retailers are investing heavily in making the online shopping experience memorable. But when it comes to translating the physical shopping experience online of apparel shopping, a missing link remains - and that is the Virtual dressing room.

Now with a shift to eCommerce, there is a need for a dressing room-like experience to be available online. An experience where a shopper can see the clothes on models that look most like themselves, and can visualize garments together in an outfit. This type of experience creates an element of entertainment which boosts engagement and repeat visits and helps apparel retailers to increase conversions, reduce returns, and improve average order value.

With more people shopping online than ever before, it is crucial for online fashion retailers to bridge this gap between physical and digital experiences. This report will help you understand how retailers can implement Virtual Dressing Room on their eCommerce sites & the incredible business benefits of this tool.

Neethu Harikumar
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