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How to Keep Your Spine Healthy and Avoid Back Pain

How to Keep Your Spine Healthy and Avoid Back Pain

Back pain is a debilitating condition that plagues many people today. When our spine suffers from subluxations and our lumbar region gets affected, it’s hard to do anything else but lie down. The pain might keep you from doing the usual things that you love to do.

So before that happens, pay attention to the health of your spine. Here are some tips that will help you keep your spine healthy:

1.Mind your sitting posture.

Keep your sitting posture in check. If you work in front of a computer all day, you should be more mindful of your posture. Correct yourself if you realize you are slouching. It’s also important to invest in a good ergonomic chair. That can help encourage you to assume a better sitting posture. There are also many chairs today that promote active sitting. They help your body constantly move even while sitting down, thereby preventing strain on the spine and the back muscles.

2.Invest in a good mattress for your sleep.

It’s also important to invest in a good mattress. You can go to a mattress store in Kamloops to find a mattress with the comfort and support that your body needs. According to studies, the most ideal mattress for back pain sufferers is a semi-firm mattress. It should be firm enough to prevent the back from sinking when you lie down but not too firm that you are having a hard time sleeping.

You can check out a mattress store in Kamloops such as City Furniture & Appliances LTD to find out what your options are. Give the mattresses at the mattress store in Kamloops a test run. Find out which one suits your needs the most.

3.Visit a chiropractor.

A chiropractor can do spinal manipulations and adjustments to correct the things that need to be corrected. If your spine is out of alignment, it is important to consult a chiropractor to set it to right.

4.Include exercise in your daily routine.

At least 30 minutes of exercise can go a long way in improving your health. Make sure you go for a walk or a jog during the day or late in the afternoon. That will reduce the toll sitting down imposes on the back.

Ryan Justin is the Author of this Article.To know more about Mattress store Kamloops please visit our website.

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