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What are bollards? How to purchase them?

MaxiForce Bollards
What are bollards? How to purchase them?

Temporary posts are frequently placed to define and protect the work area from traffic. These are placed on roadway construction zones. The delimiters are made of usually flexible material. Parking bollard installation is carried out by organizations such as Maxi Force. Bollards provided by Maxi Force are really functional.

The material used for bollards is brightly coloured plastic ringed in reflective tape. They sit on removable rubber bases. Usually, they are spaced closely. They are utilized to provide a continuous visual edge to the oncoming traffic.

Separating bike lanes

Separated bike lanes are known to offer a lot of safety. The cyclists feel safe and the stress of the drivers is much lowered. More cyclists are encouraged on the road by the placement of bollards. Flimsy delimiters can often be ripped off when run over by cars. Maxi Force offers bollards that are really sturdy. Polyurethane is a much better solution to increase the toughness and the flexibility in bollards. You can check out the options.

Resisting vehicle impact

To pedestrians and the traffic, security bollards act as visual guides. These are additionally built in order to resist the impact from vehicles. These are filled with concrete and frequently made of steel from the outside. They can be decorated with a nice finish and a cover. The local substrate and installation are important parts of impact resistance in general. It is well known that a strong bollard that is set poorly will obviously offer lesser resistance. Therefore, engineering oversight is important. Different impact resistance needs are met by different applications. You can check out the services provided by Maxi Force.

People are protected and they feel safer

Parks can be situated beside sharp bends in the roads. Also, playgrounds could be situated near parking lots, right? Outdoor patios might be near busy roadways. Security bollards might help prevent an accident in these certain places. Hence they would in turn, help to prevent a great tragedy. In a variety of widths, steel and concrete is available. These should be matched to the vehicle speeds and the distance of pedestrian zones to the roadways. These bollards are usually covered with sleeves or covers. These are great for corrosion protection as well as attractiveness. You can check out cover options for bollards.



In front of vulnerable building components, safety bollards are often installed. These minimize damage in the tragic event of an accident. However, they are not designed keeping in mind that there will be some purposeful attack against them. Vulnerable building components can also be protected by Parking lot bollards.They are often specified with the suggested diameters of steel pipes. Later, these are to be filled up with concrete. Vulnerable gas or water meters are required to have security bollards in bright colours installed as barrier posts around them. To protect against accident, they are also often placed in front of vulnerable or historical architectural features.

MaxiForce Bollards
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