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Do you need a plane ticket to rent a car at the airport?

Ezra Butler

Is it possible to rent a car at an airport even if you aren't flying? If you need a rental car in your own neighborhood—perhaps your car is being serviced or you need a larger vehicle for house guests—generally it's a good idea to check costs at your local airport as well. Airport rentals are frequently less expensive than in-town rentals, and airport rental offices are typically more flexible than those at your local branch.

However, if you reside within 100 miles of an airport or in the same state as the airport, you may not be able to hire a car there if you aren't traveling. It's possible that an airline ticket will be required. Unfortunately, because these terms and restrictions are sometimes buried in fine language, you may not be aware of them until the last minute, leaving you with an unpleasant surprise at the rental counter.

Rental Car Restrictions for Locals at the Airport

Remember that these policies only apply to you if you reside near an airport and do not arrive by plane.


Payless has some of the most aggressive pricing in the industry. While we don't agree with their forceful sales practices in many regions, you can get a great deal if you read your rental contract carefully before leaving the rental counter. If you're renting near an airport, the only exception is if you're renting locally.

Local renters may be required to go through a verification process that includes validating personal information such as home phone numbers, addresses, and employment. A current power bill, recent bank statement, and/or pay stub can all be used as supporting documentation. These details will be stored in a car rental system.

While most places do not impose mileage restrictions for local renters or require you to purchase CDW if you can't show you have insurance elsewhere, some do. The following is the language used at the Denver airport: "If you do not provide proof of motor liability and physical damage insurance coverage, we may refuse to rent to you." Again, the magical round-trip airline ticket we keep mentioning is your insurance against having to pay exorbitant insurance premiums.

When booking a rental car, it's usually a good idea to read the terms and restrictions. Unlike plane tickets and hotel rooms, which are rather basic, rental cars can have "gotchas," and you may avoid many unpleasant shocks by familiarizing yourself with the laws.


Ezra Butler
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