5GC or 5G core is the heart of the 5G network and in 5G Network training generally we learn how to control all the control panel operations and manage all the controlling data. 5G core training also teaches us the upa pile of data traffic with the extra layer of security and how we make the 5G core more conveniently able to communicates with the UE with diverse essential network services because this new 5G communication standard enables the highly secured and fast data transmission within a seconds and in this 5G network training we also learn how to manufacture it, making it more flexible and productive for making it more essential for future needs.
What is the function of the 5G core
It (5G core network) is generally responsible for the variety of the function within the mobile network which makes the communication at very ease. The few services that had been run on the5G core network are authentication, authorization and data and policy management. In today's world many of the operators have positioned the 5G as in the nonstandalone configuration. The non standalone is considered the first stage of the 5G network in which we were using the 5 GNR which is a old radio access technology network which is generally similar to the 4G network but with few modifications but in the standalone (SA) configuration the signals of the 5G network has been broadcast using new 5G radio access technology that basically allows the 5G network core to perform at the higher standards.The5G (SA) provides you the improved network performance with simpler network management.
Difference between the 5G &4G network
One of the major differences between the 5G & 4G is their architecture. The 5G network uses high radio frequencies which makes it faster than the 4G network. Another point to be noticed is that the 5G network mm wave spectrum is stronger so it is able to support many devices in a single areahence it generally offers the faster speed and low latency. This also gives you better video streaming and voice calls without any kings of interruption.
The 5G has been developed for giving you the highspeed experience and more power efficiency. The 5G network is similar to 4G network but the only difference is that the 5G has been architected using cloud native technology which makes the 5G core capable of colocation with edge data centers that ensures the high speed network and also decreases the latency rate and this cloud native technology also decreases the infrastructure cost.
5G Core training typically covers 2 main topics;
Network Slicking - It is the essential feature of 5g in which multiple virtual networks are to be connected with the single physical network and the training includes all the functions of network slicking.
SBA (Service Based Architect) - This new 5g core is based on built based architecture which typically gives you the flexible and majorable service delivery on time.
where to get the best telecom training courses in India
According to us there are variable options available in the market for receiving the training in 5G core network technology.
Here's some suggestions;
Onlinecourses: there are various kinds of topnotch online courses available in the market for getting the best training in 5g core network technology. The online courses were typically selfpaced and it can be taken from any corner of the world. That's why this is the most convenient way to get the training.
These online courses were offered by Udemy, Coursera, and edX.
In-person courses: Some of the training institutes offer in-person courses for the better learning and understanding of 5G core network technology. These in person courses can be done at the training center or any other venue and offer more immense learning experience. Some of the organizations that offer in-person training are Ericsson, Huawei andNokia.
Vendor based training; This kind of training will be very useful for those who want to get the training from their specific vendor. This vendorbased training has been given by the companies like Nokia and Huawei. These companies offer training with their equipment and system.
Certification; The certifications were also available in the market which demonstrates the potential workers about the skills and the knowledge that has been required for the 5G network. This certification can be offered by the 5G Association and CompTIA.
- Before choosing any of the courses you should get the proper information about the course and choose the course that really matches up your requirements.