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Top Significant Places To Visit In Vatican City

Driver In Rome

The Vatican has been an independent place since 1929. It is the world's smallest place. Although it is small, the area is blessed with numerous tourist attraction points. The place is ideal for enjoying a romantic vacation. In this blog, you will explore some of the most beautiful attractions in Vatican City. So let's start.

Saint Peter's Basilica, Vatican City

Saint Peter's Basilica is one of the best attractions in Vatican City. The magnificent building is certainly a work of fine art. It was designed around the 18th century. It was built after replacing the earlier structure where St Peter was buried earlier. 

You will be able to complement the work of famous artists before you enter the church. You will come across a statue of Constantine at the main entrance.


Even though it was stolen of plenty of its treasuries by Napoleon, the Pinacoteca includes 16 rooms filled with valuable works of art starting from the Middle Ages to modern works. The works are organised in chronological order. The picture is a perfect example of western painting. Middle ages art includes Tuscan paintings, Umbrian, Sienese, Byzantine, and St. Nicholas of Bari by Fra Angelico.

Sistine Chapel

It is known as the Pope's domestic chapel. The church is designed into a rectangular hall. This place is only meant to celebrate special occasions and users for general services such as the election of the next Pope's successor. The skillful artist paints the walls like the great Michelangelo. In the painting, you will be able to see the biblical scenes of their time. 

Piazza San Pietro

This great work was laid out by a great Italian sculpture artist known as Bernini. It was established between 1656 and 1667. This place holds a deep significance since the first pope of the Catholic church was crucified here. At Piazza San Pietro, major occasions are organized. The pivotal point of attraction is the facade of the basilica. It is the place where the Pope offers his blessings to his devotees and announces canonizations and beatifications. 

From here, the old members of the church announce the next successor of the Pope. During this day, everyone gathers here, and they get excited to see the next Pope of the church. It is considered an important day in Vatican City. 

Final Words 

The two most beautiful places to observe are Sistine Chapel and St, Peters Basilica. All the palaces in the Vatican are furnished by some of the talented and skillful artists of their time. Apart from that, you will be stunned to see the elegance of some ancient museums like the Museum of Secular Arts ancient sculpture. 

If you want to make a memorable vacation with your partner, you can contact Driver In Rome. Their exclusive excursion in the Vatican from Civitavecchia is designed for those tourists who want to enjoy their journey to the fullest. The company has some excellent traveling packages for those who want to travel to Rome. So what are you waiting for? Contact them now for getting exclusive deals on tours. 

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