If you want to enjoy a high-class sauna in its original form, you should select an ideal sauna. It is supposed to be an ideal choice for health-conscious people. In fact, it gives perfect enjoyment to the people. It not only gives the feeling of open-air but also gives inspiring rejuvenation to the people.

The festival of Durga Puja is celebrated all over the country, it is celebrated in a special way in the eastern states like West Bengal, Jharkhand, Assam and Tripura.
Various devotional songs and and religious dance competitions are held in these pandals in which Arti dance competition is the most popular.
Durga Puja usually falls in the month of September/October.LegendsAccording to the Hindu mythology, demon Mahishasur was creating problems for the gods and their king.
Then Indra requested holy trinity of Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva to save them from demon.
They in turn sought divine help of mother Durga (Durga Ji Idol for navratri), who fitted with lethal weapons and riding on ruthless lion, killed demon Mahishasur.
This festival celebrates life, tradition and culture values of India.Durga Puja is arrived with the Mahalaya which is actually the first phase of crescent moon in Ashwin (according to the Hindu calendar).

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