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Why Wordpress Is Considered An Ideal CMS?

Esolz Technologies
Why Wordpress Is Considered An Ideal CMS?

WordPress is the best-known content management system powering nearly 22% of the websites available on the web. Though there are many content management systems available in the market, using WordPress as a CMS for your website is a wise decision. 

Let’s take a look at why WordPress is the best and why selecting it is the right choice?

But before discussing that in detail let us brush up on what a content management system is.

What is a Content Management System?

A content management system is a type of computer application that assists users in creating digital content for their websites. A common user interface is used by all users for creating and editing content. This finally lead to the formation of a collaborative working environment where many users can work together. 

Now let us discuss the benefits of using WordPress as a CMS:

  • Managing WordPress is very simple 

WordPress is a very user-friendly CMS platform available. WordPress is very simple to use and one can add images, blog posts, or new pages. Most users prefer using WordPress for its easy-to-use features. Managing WordPress is very easy and users can frequently make changes in it without difficulty.

  • Price

WordPress is the best known and open source CMS platform available. You can use it for free without paying anyone a license fee. But WordPress has certain features including a template system and plugin architecture where any person can create their theme or plugin and be charged for that. So for using plugins that help with social sharing, and themes for an attractive-looking site, you may have to pay a charge.

  • It is easy to publish, revise and update content

The major benefit of using WordPress is that anyone can publish their content without any code. Anyone can do that, be it writer or photographer, or video producers, store owners, and podcasters. Thus publishing a blog post and adding images to it is very simple in WordPress. It is not at all technically challenging. One can also share videos and podcast audio easily with the help of the right plugins. Making changes and updates is also very simple, you will just have to go to the post, make changes and click update.

  • WordPress will save your time 

WordPress is a very simple and easy-to-use CMS available, allowing you to do many things on your website quickly and easily which will help you to save valuable time. 

Thus using WordPress as a CMS is a very good decision.

  • Control

WordPress is a very smooth and easy-to-use CMS platform. It gives a good amount of control while using it. Users are allowed to code any part of the WordPress to function it the way he prefers with full control over the platform.

Users can also make their own plugins and theme and install them into WordPress with just one click. 

  •  Plugins 

There are thousands of plugins available and those are used for extending the functionality of WordPress. With the help of plugins, user can transform their WordPress site into a news, radio, or photography content management system. Some of the available plugins are free and some can be hired on a monthly basis. WordPress also allows you to upgrade the plugin as WordPress upgrades.

  • Themes 

WordPress themes are used for creating the functionality and design of a WordPress website. There are many free and premium themes available and each theme is absolutely different from the other. By using these themes users can instantly change the look of your website. The best thing about these WordPress themes is that users don’t need to hire a web designer. They get an already-finished theme.

  • You can add more creators to the mix 

If any user wants to add other contributors to your blog or wants to hire a photo editor for updating the product elements, they can do that easily. Another best thing is that most writers and designers are already quite familiar with WordPress and they know how to use it, so businesses will not have to spend money and time training new people on the fundamentals of WordPress. 

There are hundreds of freelance developers and companies who know and work on WordPress, so if you want to upgrade your WordPress website in a specific way but not find a suitable plugin for that, you can easily reach out to a reputed company providing top-quality CMS web development services. They can help you to create what you want.


The extremely flexible and extensible nature of WordPress makes it the most popular CMS solution. Moreover, using WordPress won’t dig a hole in your pocket and at the same time can take your business to the next level. To get a perfect WordPress website for your business you must reach out to the best WordPress website development company in India.

Esolz Technologies
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