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Why should you get training from Van Nuys Academy?

Continental Aviation
Why should you get training from Van Nuys Academy?

Our flight training academy is located in Los Angeles. We can help you become a proficient airline transport or commercial pilot under perfect conditions. Economical landing costs, as well as low-cost construction, are available to help you realise your ambitions. We think that the more you know about the aviation business, the better your decision to pursue a career in aviation will be.


What training do we offer? 

We have many best schools in Los Angeles, but what makes us superior to all of them is that we don’t limit ourselves to a few training programmes or courses. We have plenty of training programmes in our academy so that one can choose properly what they want to do in the aviation sector.

We are training for: airline transport pilot's licence, commercial pilot's licence, light aircraft pilot's licence, flight instructor, international private pilot's licence, and more. We make you learn to fly. We give flying lessons in Los Angeles (flight lessons in Los Angeles). Flight training in Van Nuys is the most memorable experience and adventure for all students. We try to put our efforts into our training sessions to make them comfortable and understandable for you. 

What more do we do?

Along with training students, the flight academy van nuys gives their aircrant on rental as well. When you learn to fly Los Angeles, you can work here as a pilot. Van Nuys aircraft rental is one of the most trustworthy and popular in Los Angeles. 

Contact us:

Do you have any queries or concerns for us? Great! We'd be delighted to hear from you. Please address your inquiries to the schools in which you are interested by email.

Continental Aviation
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