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How Much Does a WordPress Website Cost?

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How Much Does a WordPress Website Cost?

WordPress is powering more than 35% of the world’s websites, which is the main reason to build a WordPress website. Even though you are planning for building a WordPress website the main concern is the cost and the concern of the price to be a subscription-based or one-time charge.

WordPress website pricing may vary depending on the design of the business along with the development process which is needed by the brand. Although we can estimate that an average WordPress website and costs from 75 US dollars to 120000 US dollars. Just like any other website the WordPress website also need maintenance which will cost you around $75 per year to 15000 dollars per year.

Cost of WordPress Website Design Services:

For designing a WordPress website, the cost will be in tally depending on the requirement of the business and design of the branding in the website. Even the packages may vary depending on the web design agencies for hiring a freelancer for the project. We can even estimate the price of the website design ranging from 1 US dollar to 300 US dollars in case the project is done within the business management. The freelancers will charge you up to $500 to 5000 dollars depending on the design and implementation of the features. Similarly, any WordPress web design company will give you the professional look of your website without cost ranging from 3000 dollars to 100000 dollars.

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