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How to Fix a Slow WordPress Site: 5 Essential Tips

SKT Themes
How to Fix a Slow WordPress Site: 5 Essential Tips

For your visitors, your website could be the most annoying because it might be taking so much time to load its content. However, you will end up losing so much of traffic to your website just because of this page loading issue.


Some studies show that if your website is taking less than 3 seconds to load then you have higher chance of getting visitors else you will lose more than 40% of visitors.


If you are facing the same problem then we have good news for you that you can easily fix such a problem which some tips and tricks.


In this article, we will see some 5 basic steps to improve the speed of your website.


1.      Utilize the features provided by Caching plugin:

If you are a user of WordPress then you will have plenty of options to choose a plugin as you can choose from WP fastest cache, WP Rocket, W3 total cache, WP super cache, and more. These plugins are all meant to help you in boosting the speed of your website.


Actually, the copy of the original request is made by the caching system so that your website will not require to process the subsequent request for a single page.


For serving your visitor's requirements this will minimize the total time of processing. Also, it will minimize the processing times with the content they are looking for.


Before making a decision make sure that the caching plugin you choose is working great with WordPress themes.


2.      Optimize all your website's images:

To enhance page time, images play a major role as they enhance your website's content more visually. But do not ignore the fact that higher quality pictures will utilize more space which will automatically increase the load time.


With the help of the lazy load plugin, you can fix such kind of issue. Another good plugin that one can use is jQuery Image lazy load. If you are looking for some more options that you can use the Smush Image compression and optimization plugin. This plugin is also known as WP-Smush which is to minimizes the image size.


3.      Make use of CDN(Content Delivery Network):

the major role of CDN will be to deliver the content of your website to your users more quickly and efficiently on the basis of geographical location. To improve the content delivery it is made of POP servers.


Some top CDNs then you can use are Amazon CloudFront, MaxCDN, Akamai, Cloudflare, and more. the visitors will be provided with the static files while using any of these services. Your hosting server will also get a boost because CDN is responsible for doing so many tasks.


4.      Database optimization:

In some of the cases, the main reason that your WordPress website is getting slower could be due to unnecessary files buildup in your database. Content that includes post revisions, unapproved comments, trashed posts and auto drafts can fully occupy your database.


Once you are success full in deleting or removing all unnecessary files from your database you will notice that your load time has been improving to some extinct. Some best plugins suitable with all popular WordPress themes are WP-optimize and WP-sweep.


With the help of these plugins, you will also be able to optimize the tables and database structure without any problem.


5.      Uninstall unwanted plugins:

On the WordPress plugin repository, you will find thousands of plugins that will suit your requirements in different methods. But it does not mean that you will integrate all those plugins on your website. Actually, it is possible that you could have more than 30-40 plugins but it is always better to use only those which are essential.


If you are not utilizing the features of CDN then it is better to not add more than 20 plugins to your website. One of the best plugins that review the plugin you are using and will notify if it is worthy or not is called Plugin Performance Profiler.


Slow your WordPress site:

You can boost your user experience by improving the speed of your website. However, this can help you to get better rankings on SERPs.


So it is important to take out some of your time to review your website and find out which WordPress themes, plugins, or any of the file is getting loading problem and delete it. 

SKT Themes
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