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Choosing Cat Treats

Michael Wahn
Choosing Cat Treats

We all know that dogs love treats, but did you know that many kitties also enjoy them? Try picking up some store-bought treats for your feline pal. Cats can be a bit fussy with their food and snacks, of course, so you may need to try a few brands to find something your pet likes.

You can also give your pet some of the following: plain, unseasoned meat, fish, or chicken, with the skin, bones, and fat removed; shredded deli meat; or canned boneless tuna, salmon, chicken, or crab. A little egg is okay, if your pet likes it, but you really shouldn't give your cat milk. Most cats are lactose-intolerant, so those depictions of kitties drinking milk are actually incorrect.

It's also important to know what isn't safe for your cat. That list includes raw dough; meat on the bone; chocolate; avocado; pitted fruit; grapes and raisins; fatty foods and meat; and dairy products.

Ask your vet Roanoke, VA for more information on choosing cat treats.

Michael Wahn
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