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SCORM LMS | Paradiso Solutions

Pradnya Maske
 SCORM LMS | Paradiso Solutions

Scorm Compliant Learning Management System:  

Shareable Content Object Reference Model (SCORM). It could be a collection of eLearning measures that guarantee content compatibility with a SCORM compliant LMS, for illustration – Paradiso LMS. Course substance on a SCORM LMS can be reused and transferred on different SCORM compliant computer program frameworks without any alters or adjustments.   


Benefits of SCORM Compliant LMS Software:   

  • SCORM LMS comes with adaptability to form substance and to cater to personal or organizational needs.   
  • Reusability could be necessary for each industry with SCORM and LMS; it’s simpler to reuse the now-made course.   
  • SCORM compliant LMS computer program gives cost-effective learner-centric arrangements.   
  • The detailing framework in a SCORM LMS is unparalleled.  


At Paradiso, we are all approximately customized learning experiences. Therefore, we’re extraordinarily situated to supply SCORM-compliant eLearning substance for your LMS.   

Other than being SCORM compliant LMS program, we have organized a system to offer adaptable arrangements that meet your learning needs and the budget. 


Pradnya Maske
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