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A Quick Overview of Van Nuys Flight Academy

Continental Aviation
A Quick Overview of Van Nuys Flight Academy

At all of our facilities, we accept and train both career/commercial airline and private leisure flying students. You will fly little planes in the same airspace as larger planes and learn to fly in different airspaces, giving you the skills and confidence to fly anywhere. The time/money aspect is one of the most intriguing similarities between the flight academy van nuys and a four-year institution. Flight Academy Van Nuys immerses you in the realm of pilot training for the duration of your program, unlike a full-time college commitment. If you desire to be a pilot, our Accelerated Career Pilot Program will get you there in considerably less time and for a lot less money than a college or university. 


Our flight lessons in Los Angeles (flying lessons Los Angeles)  or flight training in Van Nuys are given by experienced professors and ex-pilots. This is your opportunity to learn to fly in Los Angeles from the top instructors from one of the best flight schools in Los Angeles


Aircraft rental:


Renting an aeroplane from us is very simple if you need one. Van Nuys aircraft rental is available for you at reasonable prices. We are well-positioned to handle your domestic and international charter and emergency medical evacuation demands. Our skilled team is available 24 hours a day, seven days a week to meet your needs and guarantee that everything goes as planned. Our full-time in-house pilots have years of combined expertise in both private and commercial aircraft. The crew has accumulated over 50,000 hours of flight time in jet aircraft. Our staff will bring you safely and on schedule, thanks to an exceptional safety record.

Continental Aviation
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