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Book Day 2 and Day 8 UK arrivals Test - G16 Covid-19 Testing

G16 Covid-19 Testing
Book Day 2 and Day 8 UK arrivals Test - G16 Covid-19 Testing

At this time it is mandatory for every person entering their UK arrivals test on day 2 and day 8 with the option of releasing early on days 5,6 or 7. The test has to be the test that we provide (RT-PCR test) and cannot be an antigen test. You must isolate yourself for 10 days upon arrival to the UK and take 2 mandatory tests on day 2 and day 8. If you want the test to release on day 5, you can visit one of our test centers to book the same day test on day 5 and you can release from the isolation that very same day. To know more, visit our website now. 

G16 Covid-19 Testing
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