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How To Transfer Cryptocurrency, Coins From WazirX To Binance?

Olivia Smith
How To Transfer Cryptocurrency, Coins From WazirX To Binance?

Since WazirX is partly owned by Binance, users can freely transfer funds and cryptocurrencies between the two exchanges. WazirX money transfer is a straightforward procedure. Before doing anything further, they should make sure they have accounts on WazirX and Binance. Transferring funds between WazirX and Binance is simple once users have set up their accounts on both platforms. 

How to Transfer Money from WazirX to Binance?

  1. Visit Binance and click on 'Wallet.' The option 'Third Party Account' will be available under Wallet.
  2. Select 'Third Party Account' from the drop-down menu. After you click it, a new page will appear, with the 'WazirX' option and a button to 'Activate' it. Select it by clicking on it.
  3. You can now log in to your WazirX profile using your Binance account.
  4. Go to the WazirX App once your Binance account is linked to your WazirX account.
  5. Select any cryptocurrency you want to transfer to Binance from the money menu.
  6. Select the coin and then select Withdraw.
  7. You'll see a link to Binance where you may send your cryptocurrency.
  8. Use the WazirX financing option to transfer cash and bitcoins. You can also watch the video above to have a better understanding of the procedure.

Source >> https://www.republicworld.com/technology-news/other-tech-news/how-to-transfer-cryptocurrency-coins-from-wazirx-to-binance-a-step-by-step-procedure.html

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Olivia Smith
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