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5 Best Gift Ideas For Your Music Lover Friend

Kim Bum
5 Best Gift Ideas For Your Music Lover Friend

The best part about birthdays is the gift. But that is the case when we are the receiver. If we flip the side, then choosing the apt gift is a tough nut to crack. We all want our gifts to stand out from the rest.


We want to convey our love and affection towards the receiver through these gifts. But all this is possible if we meet the receiver’s expectation.


For instance, the gift becomes special if it matches the choices or needs of the receiver. Thus, if the receiver is a music lover, you need to give him something that brings him closer to the music.


And we are here to help you in this pursuit. Here is a list of gifts that will make your music lover friend beyond happy.


Gift ideas for a music lover


1. Classy and stylish over-ears headphones


Music and headphones go side by side. They are each others’ companions. A music lover wouldn't be caught dead without a pair of headphones, whether they're just running a quick errand across the street or settling into a long-haul flight.


Classy and stylish ear-over headphones will surely be a part of the wish-list of your music lover friend. A tick in the wish-list will surely make your friend happy. 


2. VHS to DVD - Give it a digital twist


A true music lover will have his favourite from the 90s music. So transform his old VHS that holds the treasure of vintage songs into DVD.


This VHS to DVD will surely be appreciated for your thoughts and efforts. This will surely let your friend know how much his happiness matters to you.


Converting VHS to DVD is not a tough job anymore. You can hire a professional to do it for you in the most efficient way. Moreover, it is cost-efficient too. 


3. A ticket to the concert


Attending a concert of the favourite artist is no less than a blessing for all the music lovers. It is no less than a dream come true.


You can help your friend in fulfilling this dream by buying him the ticket to his favourite music artist’s concert. This gift will be remembered by him throughout his lifetime.


Singing along in the car or shower is fun, but singing along with the band live and in concert is another experience entirely. So, take all your friends together and can create memories that will be cherished by you all over your life.


This will surely meet the purpose of making your friend’s birthday special and memorable. 


4. A high-end visual speaker


An optimum quality speaker will enhance your friend’s experience while listening to the music. It will bring him closer to the music.


The speaker will decorate your friend’s life with the lyrics like art in the canvas.The high quality will ensure a sound that will elevate the music listening experience to another height.


You must opt for speakers which integrate seamlessly into their living room or bedroom, recognize and artistically display the lyrics of the song as it plays and have top-notch sound quality. 


5. A book on music


A true music lover would be extremely curious to know about the history of different kinds of music. He must be fascinated by queries related to music and its generation.


Thus, a book that can relax his curiosity by answering all his questions, can be the best gift for him. It will enhance his knowledge and will help in the long run to nourish his passion for music. 




A music lover knows nothing beyond music and thus, any gift that doesn’t align with his passion for music will not be the apt choice. Such gifts will not please him.


So, do consider the above list while purchasing a gift for someone who’s first and last love is music.   


Kim Bum
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