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Running out of topics for your blog? Try these tips to breathe life into it!

Marcus Phillips
Running out of topics for your blog? Try these tips to breathe life into it!

Do you have a personal blog and don't know what to write? Don't worry: it happens to every blogger sooner or later. The ideas come and go, trends are constantly changing, and you still need to keep your blog alive somehow. If you are currently struggling with finding ideas, this article will tell you where to look for content and how to make it enjoyable.

Specialized blog

A personal blog invites you to write about everything, but if you want it to have some impact, the best thing to do is to specialize in something, which, logically, greatly limits the topics you can talk about. If, for example, we have a blog that specializes in badminton, we should not hesitate to intersperse badminton articles with others about different racket sports, fitness, health, nutrition, sports shoes, injuries, completely free essays online, travel, literature, celebrities, etc., as long as we relate it directly to our original topic. Something like this: "How practicing table tennis can help us improve our serve," "Which badminton shoes are best for a season," and so on.

Current events blog

If we choose to talk about current affairs, even if it is to give our opinion about what is happening, it will be very easy to find topics to write about. The difficulty lies in being well informed. Suppose we don't want our readers to take us to the task or stop following us. In that case, we'd better look for reliable and contrasted data, which will force us to look not only for news that say what we think but also for those that say the opposite and as much objective data as possible on which we can make a good analysis. Introducing current affairs in our blog can give us more network followers and, therefore, greater visibility.

Comparisons or product analysis

Making comparisons in our blog can attract many readers and give us a lot of new topics to talk about, but it will force us to be very aware of any product that comes on the market and those that are being worked on. Apart from that, it will require us to be able to understand the specifications exceptionally well and make reasonable assessments of the products we are interested in discussing. Otherwise, these articles always get hits, especially if we explain things clearly and our comments are objective and valuable to our readers.


Interviews have a place in any blog. If we run out of topics or are not very inspired, an interview will allow us to do something entertaining that will please our readers and give the blog a bit of fresh air. Plus, now that interviews can be easily done by emailing the questions, it's possible to request them from almost anyone. We've already got the no, so there's no harm in trying, and you might be surprised.

What is important is that we select the questions very well so that they are of interest to both our audience and the person being interviewed.

Academic studies

Another place to get content from when we run out of ideas is academic search engines. If we are studying for a remote degree at university, we will already be used to them for all the time we have spent looking for material for our academic work, and if not, they are a vast source of information and knowledge that we will love to know. Of course, a blog should be informative, so we will have to make an effort to translate the arduous academic language so that our readers enjoy our posts.

Give it a twist

If we have been writing about the same topic for many years, we may feel that we have already done everything that could be interesting or useful for our readers. This is an understandable but not entirely true feeling because there will always be new things or developments that we haven't talked about. In any case, we can revisit old articles we have done and give them a spin. We are sure to find another interesting approach. Besides, rarely will our readers be the same after several years of publications, so, as long as we don't publish duplicates, we can revisit the same topic with a different, more current vision.

Other blogs

It's good to read the competition for inspiration. This does not mean that we plagiarize their articles, but they can help us find topics that we had not noticed and then write our own articles from our point of view or our experience.

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Marcus Phillips
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