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Main Objects For IT Services, Technology, Training And Consultancy

Chhota CFO
Main Objects For IT Services, Technology, Training And Consultancy

To carry on the business of Software designing, development, customisation, implementation, maintenance, testing and benchmarking, designing, developing and dealing in computer software and solutions, and to import, export, sell, purchase, distribute, host (in data centers or over the web) or otherwise deal in own and third party computer software packages, programs and solutions, and to provide internet / web based applications, services and solutions, provide or take up Information technology related assignments on sub-contracting basis, offering services on-site/ offsite or through development centers using owned /hired or third party infrastructure and equipment, providing solutions/ Packages/ services through applications services provider mode via internet or otherwise, to undertake IT enabled services like call Centre Management, Medical and legal transcription, data processing, Back office processing, data warehousing and database management. For more details visit our blog : https://bit.ly/3rb7bJO

Chhota CFO
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