To purchase the lands and premises or take on lease or otherwise acquire lands, buildings or elsewhere for the business of hotels, restaurants, snack bars, café, ice cream parlour, dairy products, confectionaries and allied food products and to sell and let the lands of the company or to use the same or any part thereof, or to acquire and use other lands for the construction of hotels, restaurants and entertainment centres, amusements parks with or without shopping plaza etc and to purchase any movable or immovable property including industrial, commercial, residential, or farm lands, plots, buildings, houses, apartments, flats or areas within or outside the limits of Municipal Corporation or other local bodies, anywhere within the Domain of India, to divide the same into suitable plots, and to rent or sell the plots for building/constructing residential houses, bungalows, business premises, and colonies and rent or sell the same and realize cost in lump sum or easy installments or by hire purchase system and otherwise and to construct, execute, carryout, equip, support maintain, operate, improve, work,develop, administer, manage, control and superintend within or outside the country any where in the world all kinds of works, public or otherwise, buildings, houses and other constructions or conveniences of all kinds, which expression in this memorandum includes roads, railways, and tramways, docks, harbours, Piers, wharves, canals, serial runways and hangers, airports, reservoirs, embankments, irritations, reclamation, improvements, sewage, sanitary, water, gas, electronic light, power supply works, and hotels, cold storages, warehouses, cinema houses, markets, public and other buildings and all other works and conveniences of public or private utility, to apply for purchase or otherwise acquire any contracts, decrease, concessions, for or in relation to the construction, execution, carrying out equipment, improvement, administration, or control of all such works and conveniences as aforesaid and to undertake, execute, carry out, dispose of or otherwise turn to account the same. For more details visit our blog : https://bit.ly/3xGiATv