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What is Lemon Law, and How Does Lemon Law Work for Automobiles?

Allen Stewart
What is Lemon Law, and How Does Lemon Law Work for Automobiles?

Whenever you purchase a new car, you always think that it won't cause you any problems since it is new. Well, that is not always the case. There are some cases where the buyers have got defective models from the manufacturers, and even after countless repair attempts, they still couldn't repair the problem.

If you feel this is somewhat familiar, then you might have heard about lemon law from your friends, family members or might have read about it somewhere.

Therefore, today we are taking this opportunity, and we will be discussing what is a lemon law, along with the lemon definition and how it works.

What is a lemon law and lemon definition?

The federal and state government has come up with some rules that ensure that the customers are protected if they get defective cars from manufacturers. If these cars do not meet their worth or quality, then they are termed lemons.

Lemon laws apply to defects that compromise the use, safety and value of the vehicle. If the dealerships or the manufacturer cannot repair the issues after several repair attempts, they are obligated to either replace the car or reimburse the customer.

How does the lemon law work?

If, after purchasing a new car, you find out the car is not working as promised or if it breaks down frequently, there are chances you might have a lemon in your hands. The manufacturer will only consider your car lemon if it is covered under the original manufacturer's warranty.

If the problem persists after repairing it multiple times, or if the manufacturer decides not to honor the warranty, there are steps you can take that protect your rights as a customer.

Each state has its separate iteration of lemon law. The number of attempts in some states is different, and the number of years or the miles covered is also different. However, these state laws are covered under the federal law, Magnuson-Moss Warranty Act.

A car will be considered a lemon if it meets the following criteria: -

  • The car should have an issue that still makes it not worth the money after getting it repaired 3-4 times. The state decides the number of attempts.
  • The defect must be huge, and it should be covered under warranty. The defects should occur within the warranty period.
  • You should be able to produce the receipts of the repairs in court after filing for lemon law.
  • The car should be out of service for around 30-45 days.

If you feel your car satisfies these conditions, then you can say you have a lemon in your hand. Then you can consult an attorney from Allen Stewart, and they will guide you through the process.

Wrapping up

To get a clear answer to what is a lemon law, contact the expert attorney's from Allen Stewart.

Andrew Richardson is the author of this Article. To know more about Odometer Discrepancy please visit our website: allenstewart.com

Allen Stewart
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