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Haru Invest surpasses $1 billion in total transaction volume

MarTech Cube
Haru Invest surpasses $1 billion in total transaction volume

Haru Invest, a top digital asset management platform and service brand name of Block Crafters, announced that they have achieved a new milestone – reaching $1 billion in total transaction volume. The accomplishment is due in part to the increasing number of global users trusting them, backed by high retention of their existing users. Haru Invest currently provides its services to users from 130 countries.

Haru Invest’s consistency in providing high returns has been the key driver of growth. Earn Plus, a product that offers competitive rates on Bitcoin, Ethereum and USDT upon lock-up, has been very well received by its users, resulting in extremely high renewal rates.

Haru Invest recently launched Switch, a cryptocurrency swap service to improve the crypto investment experience for their users. Through Switch, users can swap between Bitcoin, Ethereum or USDT instantly at market rate or make reservations to swap at the price they want.

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