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Significant Difference Between Residential And Commercial Solar In Perth

DNX Energy
Significant Difference Between Residential And Commercial Solar In Perth

If you look at today’s scenario, every person is in search of switching to solar energy, even more, whether a company owner or a homeowner. But, are you aware that all the solar panels in Perth are not created equally? Indeed, the residential and the commercial solar in Perth share some differences. 

You can see that there are several types of differences between the residential and commercial solar panels in Perth can be an excellent help to understand the systems when you are choosing renewable energy for homes and businesses. These different solar energy systems can quickly determine the nature of the commercial and several domestic or residential solar panels based on efficiency, size, installation, and color.

Below mentioned are some of the widespread and common differences between residential and commercial solar panels. Have a look!


Undoubtedly, size is quite a common distinction that should be prioritized when considering differences between commercial solar panels and residential solar panels. Commercial panels are comparatively more significant than residential ones. On average, the size of commercial solar Perth might vary in terms of size by 78 inches by 39 inches and 96 cells. 

Whereas, the residential solar panels range between 65 inches by 39 inches and 72 cells. Several households today prefer commercial solar systems in their home as they can produce more power. This is why it is a brilliant idea to think about commercial solar panels for homes. 


Just like the roof-mounted with a bolted racking system, the installing of commercial and residential solar systems share common similarities. You can easily fix up the commercial solar panels because they are fixed on the flat roof along with a non-penetrating mounting system. 

The commercial solar system is pretty straightforward for setting up as these power systems can use a mounting system that will not enter the roof. The residential solar systems for homes need the panels to lay them flush against shingles. This will require a slower and even careful process for the installation. When your commercial systems take a month to complete the installation procedure, the residential systems will take approximately one or two days to install. 

Production and Efficiency

Commercial solar panels can produce more power than any residential panels as they can incorporate more cells. Commercial panels are often considered to be bigger than residential panels. While talking about efficiency, the commercial panels have an efficiency rate of 19.6%. At the same time, the residential panels have an efficiency rate of 18.1%. But, the solar panels for all the systems are almost the same; for instance, say that you calculate the price of 5kw solar panels by the power they are producing for residence, you get a similar cost as for the commercial system. 

Color or Shade

You can get the commercial solar panel systems in white color, while you can get the residential ones in either black or white shade. The white-colored solar panels are prominent and commonly used solar products for both commercial and residential uses. The residential customers generally want black-colored panels on a black backing, and commercial users often prefer black panels on white backing. 

Wrapping It Up!

Now, in the end, you are thinking of getting the solar panels in Perth for residential or commercial users. But, you should make sure that you are aware of every difference in this article before commencing the final procedure. 

DNX Energy
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