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Appliance Technician Ltd

LocalBizNetwork, LLC
Appliance Technician Ltd. is an appliance installation and repair company in Ottawa and the surrounding areas that are committed to the highest standards of service, professionalism and customer satisfaction. At the core of our company values is a dedication to the people that rely on us most — our customers.\r\n\r\nAs a local and growing business, we are here to offer a special and neighborly courtesy to all of our customers. Your satisfaction is our number one priority, and every successful job helps us build a stronger bond with the communities that we serve.\r\n\r\nWe are experienced with installing, servicing and repairing virtually any major home appliance and specialize in refrigerator repair, dishwasher repair, oven repair, washer repair, dryer repair and much more. Our goal is to meet or exceed our customers’ highest expectations when it comes to everything we offer as a premier appliance service resource. We can give our customers a local brand they can trust and rely on time and time again.\r\n\r\nAppliance Technician is fully-licensed and insured to perform appliance installation, service, and repairs in your area. Our team members are highly-trained and qualified professionals with access to the latest tools and technology in the industry — ensuring the fastest service available at the most competitive prices.\r\n\r\nContact us today and get in touch with an appliance technician in Ottawa that you can trust.		 	

LocalBizNetwork, LLC
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