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Lavent Law

LocalBizNetwork, LLC
Have you been injured in a Miami accident? You may be entitled to compensation. Money may not guarantee a full recovery. However, it can be incredibly helpful during this difficult time. You will need the help of a skilled Miami personal injury attorney if you want to maximize your recovery.\r\n\r\nAt Lavent Law, we will fight to make sure that you get the money you deserve. When you file a personal injury lawsuit you need an attorney by your side who cares about you and your case. Many law firms in Miami will simply hand your case off to an associate after they’ve been hired. Boris Lavent is an award-winning attorney who takes a hands-on approach to every case he handles. Unlike other attorneys, Boris will personally handle every aspect of your case. You can rest assured that your case is in the very best hands. Contact Lavent Law today to schedule a free case assessment.		 			 			 	

LocalBizNetwork, LLC
Zupyak is the world’s largest content marketing community, with over 400 000 members and 3 million articles. Explore and get your content discovered.
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