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Sugar Control Juice: Must-Try Juice For Diabetes Patients?

Bhumija Lifesciences
Sugar Control Juice: Must-Try Juice For Diabetes Patients?

Diabetes is the most problematic disease seen in most people. In diabetes, the sugar level fluctuates in people. You shouldn't let diabetes prevent you from reaping the many advantages of fresh juice. Even there are many natural juices that act as sugar control juices. Many herbs, vegetables, fruits, etc are able to normalise the blood sugar level with the correct use. 

Here are some of the juice that you can try-

  • Carrot Amla Juice
  • Karela Jamun Juice
  • Cucumber Green Juice

Well, you can prepare this natural juice at home. Because fresh juice is more effective. On the second option, buy sugar control juice online is also an option. There are many sugar control juice online available from different sources.

Carrot Amla Juice: A healthy sugar control juice for the winter season. Grab some fresh carrots and amla. Blend 3-4 carrots will base. Blend amla too. For easy use, cut the amla and remove its unwanted part. Do not add water to it. For flavour, you can add lemon, ginger or some salt. It will work to normalise the blood sugar level as well as help in the digestive system, immune strength, reduce heart problems, improve eyesight and many more.

Cucumber Green Juice: Cucumber juice is best for all seasons. As cucumbers are rich in water concentration, it hydrates the body. Wash 2-3 cucumbers, blend them properly. For better taste, add some lemon drops and salt. If you want you can also add some amla. Drink it for a refreshing and relaxing feeling. As cucumbers hydrate the body and are rich in fibre, it is also good for weight management with blood sugar levels. In addition, this cucumber green juice also has rejuvenating properties which help in skincare.

Karela Jamun Juice: Karela is most effective to normalise the blood sugar level. Yes, really it is. Karela holds glucose-lowering properties -polypeptide-p, charantin, and vicine. Prepare a fresh mix of Karela and Jamun so wash them ingredient. Blend some karela, Jamun in a thin form. For taste, you can add some lemon, ginger, water or salt. It might taste bitter, but it is most effective for the blood sugar level. In addition, it is also good for weight management, detoxification and many more.

Bhumija Lifesciences
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