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Stevia as a Solution for Diabetics and Hypertensive Individuals

Stevia as a Solution for Diabetics and Hypertensive Individuals

If you’re someone who deals with diabetes or hypertension, the good news is that Stevia can help manage both of these health conditions. Diabetes is a disease of the endocrine system and though genetics do play a part in whether or not someone will develop the disease, being overweight is the number one contributing factor.

Stevia can help you lose weight because it counteracts the hunger that’s often a side effect of having diabetes. Because you’ll feel fuller while eating fewer calories and carbs by using Stevia, you’ll be able to lose weight.

Getting rid of excess pounds lowers the amount of insulin the body needs in order to function well with diabetes. Not only that, but unlike regular sugar as well as some chemical sweeteners, Stevia doesn’t boost blood sugar levels.

So you won’t end up with that insulin spike and the resulting symptoms that go along with it. When making some recipes, you can switch out any added sugar and use Stevia instead.

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