Threshold Recovery is a transitional living facility located near the Middle Tennessee State University. They provide a structured, substance-free living environment to those who need additional support in transitioning back to their lives after treatment for their specific addiction problems.
Visit here for more information.

Threshold Recovery is dedicated to creating and maintaining a safe sober living home & housings for Murfreesboro TN location to create a journey of recovery.

If you've ever wondered if or when it's worth it to permanently stay in a drug or alcohol abuse rehab facility, you might want to think about halfway houses.
These are basically drug and alcohol rehabilitation facilities that are sometimes run by state or county governments.
Most offer help for those who are struggling with a drug or alcohol addiction and then help in the areas of outpatient care, counseling, and aftercare.
The facilities are usually licensed by state health departments and are intended for long term treatment.If you're thinking about going to a halfway house for your addiction, the first thing to do is ask yourself if you can stay clean on your own and do it on your own.
If you've had trouble keeping up with your drug or alcohol rehab program or had any trouble at all with relapsing, then you'll need a little bit more than a halfway house and guidance to get to a clean and sober living environment.
If you're having second thoughts about going to a sober living home, here are a few benefits of going to an inpatient facility:For one thing, it will give you the opportunity to get educated about addiction and recovery.