What is tplinkwifi.net used for?The Tp-link users have this cutting edge advantage of using this web address of tplinkwifi.net for accessing their TP-link networking devices like routers and modems etc.
The users can use this web address of tplinkwifi.net for getting to the TP-link admin login page.
If this web address tplinkwifi.net fails to redirect you to the admin login page, then try to access the same through the router’s default local IP to set up a tplink range repeater with your existing wireless network?The TP-link range repeater is a wifi range extender that enhances the wifi signal connectivity of the router device.
If you don’t know how to install and set up the tplink range repeater, then don’t worry, you can easily install and setup your Tp-link range repeater by following the guide mentioned below.If you are having a plug and play model of TP-Link range repeater, then it is already a win-win situation for you.Just plug the TP-Link range repeater in the wall power socket near the router and switch it on.After getting the range repeater stable, the repeater needs to be connected to the router.
Now, this connection between the router and the range extender can be done through one of the three methods listed below.WPS connectionEthernet cable connectionWifi connectionWPS connectionWPS connection is the wifi protected setup method which is the most convenient and quick wireless connection method.Just plug in the range repeater and wait for few seconds, Push the WPS button of the TP-Link range repeater and then again push the WPS button of the TP-link router.
Once the WPS buttons have been pushed on the equipment, the WPS LEDs will get lighten up and stable.Now, your TP-link repeater and wireless router are connected, we can configure and set it up if needed.There are the positioning LEDs on the tplink repeater, see if both the right and left-hand side arrows are solid green and stable.