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5 hotel amenities that a luxe hotel should have

Hotels For Humanity
5 hotel amenities that a luxe hotel should have

Impress the visitor by formulating innovative ways to greet and treat them. Providing certain amenities is an impactful way to stand out from the crowd. All essential bathroom utilities to breakfast facilities are provided by a hotel to gain trust. Moreover, some amenities will be provided according to their visit. For instance, a business traveler will need good Wi-Fi connectivity with high-speed internet, a desk, and proper sitting to work. Whereas a person who is on the vacation with the family will need a lot of entertainment in a good relaxed environment.

Essential amenities are provided by every decent hotel. Hotels for Humanity, a hotel supply website that provides all the necessary requirements of hotels at wholesale prices. However, we are not discussing the standard amenities that every common hotel provides. Although, we are suggesting solutions on how to get a 5-star rating without even spending high cost. A small and impressive gesture can turn a decent hotel into a worthy five-star one. Let’s look out for amenities that make the hotel stand out from the rest.

1. Personalized welcome gifts

A warm welcome gift is a great way to greet the visitors. Gift according to their visit with a handwritten note will let them know their presence is being valued. A handwritten card with heartfelt greetings stands out as a warm way to treat the guest. Fruits, soaps, cookies, or any local flavored snacks can be served as a welcome gift.

2. Lighting installation

Lightening gives hotels a look that even a good interior cannot provide. The modern interior is being used in every hotel. But, what they lack is proper lighting. Chandelier should be used to add grace to the place. Decorative lights and lamps brighten ups the overall look of a place. Hallways and corridors should be well decorated with lamps.

3. Massage rooms

Only one thing matters while preparing a comfortable massage room that is aura. An exquisite place where people spent time relaxing. A dim lighting system with earthly tones and a piece of calm music lets the visitor release stress. Clean and quality sheets create a sophisticated impact. You can purchase high-quality sheets from hotels for humanity that provides hotel bedding wholesale USA. To add to the atmosphere, scented candles and essential oil diffusers can be employed. A single massage in a good room will release all your stress.

4. Complimentary books and movies

Based on the interest of the visitor, you should give them some sort of entertainment. Giving a visitor access to a bunch of books is what every Book lovers want. They want a peaceful environment to read. For couples, you can handpick some of the best romantic movies. This is a creative way to engage a visitor to show the hospitality you provide.


5. Rooftop bars or outdoor dining

Well, the tastiest delicacies if being served in the hotel is an added advantage. After all, no one can save themselves from sweet and savory flavors. Rooftop bars give a great view to enjoy with friends and family. A DJ party at the rooftop restaurant is what we see in movies. Now, we have the advantage to experience it ourselves. A good and creative interior design makes it more beautiful.


Every visitor rates the hotel not only from its looks but also from the services provided. The amenities and the customer experience matters the most. A good staff solving all your problems are less available in the market. Focus on providing the quality that your guests deserve. A lavish hotel is always set to treat you warmly and nicely. Make your guest's visit memorable and enjoyable.


Hotels For Humanity
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