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UPSC Age Limit

UPSC Age Limit

UPSC IAS Eligibility Criteria: Age Limit

Long story short – Gen: should not have touched age of 32 years, OBC: should not have touched age of 35 years, SC/ST: should not have touched age of 37 years, PWD: should not have touched age of 42 years.

Compared to the criterion of educational qualification (which I shall be getting to in the next sections), the UPSC eligibility criteria of age limit, and nationality are things over which you, as a candidate, have no control.  

The most you can do is be done with your minimum educational qualification as soon as possible. 

That way you’ll be able to save yourself the required number of attempts that you’d need to crack the UPSC exams. 

However, there are certain variations to this rule as well, depending on a number of factors. 

I will be enumerating each one in detail in the lines below.  

I mention the issue of attempts here because it is common knowledge that very few candidates are able to crack the UPSC IAS exams in their first attempt itself.

Do you think you are one of them? 

Well, if you do it’s well and good, but my experience as an educator over the years and the statistics stack the odds against you. Let me explain. 

Over the years, I have seen, from my own experience and also from the experiences of several of my students that cracking the UPSC exam in your first attempt is near impossible. 

With that, I think I have said enough about the importance of starting way before you reach your upper UPSC age limit, and subsequently saving the appropriate number of years for your UPSC attempts. 

In the lines below I have mentioned the UPSC exam eligibility according to age limits and attempts for the various categories. 

UPSC Age Limit & Age Relaxations

If you are a candidate of the general category, you must belong to the age bracket of 21 to 31 years (should not have touched your 32nd year) on the 1st day of August of the year of examination.   

The upper age limit for IAS and all the other services are relaxed for aspirants belonging to the categories of SC/ST/OBC/others.   

IAS Age limit relaxation in UPSC for ST/SC/OBC   

  1. There is an age relaxation of up to a maximum of 5 years if you belong to a Scheduled Caste (SC) or a Scheduled Tribe (ST).
  2. if you belong to one of the Other Backward Classes (OBC) the age relaxation is up to a maximum of 3 years.
  3. Age relaxation is up to a maximum of 5 years if you had been a domiciled resident in the state of Jammu & Kashmir from the period of 1st January of 1980 to the 31st December of 1989.
  4. You’d be granted an age relaxation of up to a maximum of 3 years if you are a Defence Services personnel and got disabled while in combat with a hostile foreign country or in a disturbed area, and are released as a consequence thereof.
  5. There is an age relaxation of up to a maximum of 5 years in case you are an ex-serviceman, Commissioned Officer, or SSCO/ECO, and have served a minimum of 5 years in the Military as of the 1st of August and have been released.   
  • The aforementioned holds true in case of completion of service assignments, including the ones that are due to be completed within a year from the 1st of August, other than the way of discharge or dismissal on account of inefficiency or misconduct, or on account of being physically disabled due to military service, or on being invalid.
  • You’d be granted a relaxation of up to a maximum of 5 years in the case that you are an ECO/SSCO and have completed an initial assignment period of 5 years of military service as of the 1st of August, and your assignment has been extended beyond the 5 years period. In such a case the Ministry of Defence issues a certificate through which you can apply for civil employment. Through this certificate, you are eligible for release on a 3 months’ notice period in the case that you are selected, from the date of receipt of the appointment offer. 
  1. Relaxation up to a maximum of 10 years in case you are a deaf-mute, or blind, or orthopedically handicapped person.   

Also check: free upsc material

Source by. https://www.anujjindal.in/upsc-eligibility-criteria-for-ias-ips-exam/

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