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What You Should Know About Outsourcing Vs Offshoring

Hammer Jack
What You Should Know About Outsourcing Vs Offshoring

Outsourcing, offshore accounting and nearshoring are all similar concepts, but with key distinctions. Offshoring is the practice of sending certain business functions to foreign countries in order to take advantage of lower costs. It's similar to outsourcing, except that it refers specifically to functions that are moved outside of a company's home country. Nearshoring is a related term which refers to the practice of engaging an overseas vendor but maintaining the actual activity locally; for example, working with call centres which have been set up in another country but are located nearby. Offshore outsourcing is strongly related, and can be considered part of the same ecosystem as nearshoring and offshoring; it's essentially the process we mentioned above, where work is sent abroad for economic advantage by using third-party vendors based offshore.

Hammer Jack
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