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How Can You Get More Investors in Order to Embark on Larger Projects?

Growth Prof
How Can You Get More Investors in Order to Embark on Larger Projects?

Here are three things.

1) Create a comprehensive investment prospectus

Most of the time, prospectuses are missing critical information such as taxes and cash flow. An incomplete prospectus may cause investors to lose faith in you. Creating a solid prospectus necessitates a wide range of Skills, for both construction and financial. Creating a brain trust to assist you in putting together your next prospectus can prevent missing details in your plan.

2) Protection

Investors aren't only interested in how are you going to expand the business. They also want to know how are you protecting it. You'll need to demonstrate how your project structure protects their investment. (e.g. by using a leasing entity).

3) Proper tax structure

Demonstrate how will investing with you influence their other holdings considering ROI and tax benefits. Again, having the proper structure and accounting standards is critical.

So, first and foremost, consult with an accounting expert. It's more than just having a nice-looking prospectus, you see. Deeper figures are sought after by astute investors.

Our team specializes in building projects. We can assist you with more than compliance and taxes.

Phone: 02 9189 3075

Email: tax@growth-prof.com.au

Web: https://growthprof.com.au/

Growth Prof
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