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Need, Features and Attributes of Anthurium – The Best Shared Office Space in Noida

Anthurium Noida
Need, Features and Attributes of Anthurium – The Best Shared Office Space in Noida

A report conducted in 2018 by one of the leading real estate consultancies showed that the share of flexible workspace in India had been steadily increasing and this survey was done much before the present-day health crisis. The percentage of flexible offices in the Indian real estate portfolio increased by 20 to 25 percent per year in the five years leading up to the survey, reaching 5%. 

This trend has been accelerated by the Covid-19 outbreak. Although individuals prefer remote and home working, businesses are increasingly contemplating the flexible office as a potential alternative. 89 percent of large organizations were experimenting or planning to implement new flexible working environments as early as 2016, according to a report. Another poll, done by The Sundream Group, the leading provider of Shared Office Space in Noida, corroborated the underlying trend, predicting a 15% growth in the share of flexible offices in the medium term and a 25% increase in the long term in the 20 major Indian cities.

Although there are no new post-Covid flexible office numbers available yet, it's reasonable to suppose that these already optimistic estimates have been significantly revised upwards.

Meeting the requirement for adaptability

Workplace change should not be limited to a company's desire to save money. There is a slew of other variables to consider. Employees who, for the most part, do not want to return to their prior working conditions have embraced workplace flexibility. In another survey, it was established that 73 percent of employees worldwide want their employer to offer them flexible working methods in the post-Covid future. 

Working from home, in a co-working environment, or a traditional office is now a viable option. This extra flexibility begs the question of how the workspace should be defined. What obligation does it impose on employees to visit their workplace every day? Which space is better for chatting with co-workers or consulting on a project? Which locations and types of space are most conducive to employee happiness and workplace quality of life? In a nutshell, what is the office's current purpose, and what should be its added value?

A meeting and engagement space

A variety of remote working tools are widely available, reducing the requirement for "in-office" engagement. Remote working, according to several research, boosts employee productivity and dedication. In reality, due to the growing popularity of flexible and shared office spaces, the concept of a dedicated workstation on the company's premises is becoming obsolete. In light of these developments, one of the intangible functions of office spaces becomes clear: it is a location where people may socialize, meet, and interact. 

Employees are expected to use their offices as collaborative hubs, where they may meet their co-workers, participate in work meetings, and attend the most significant presentations. The physical workspace takes on the role of embodying business identity. "It is the company's lungs, where the richness of social contact is concentrated," says Harsh Gupta, Director of The Sundream Group, a specialist in real estate. The office is more than ever becoming a symbol of corporate culture, a place of social cohesiveness where a sense of belonging crystallizes. It also serves as a showcase for the company because it is where guests are greeted. This is why today's office spaces must be user-friendly, adaptable, and multi-purpose. It makes little sense to organize most of your premises in an open space format in the age of the flex office and remote working. These are the new uses to be allocated for professional premises: reception spaces, meeting rooms, cafeterias, places to focus, but also to relax between two productive work hours.

 Recruiting top talent

Office spaces, more than ever, must demonstrate their added value in comparison to other work spaces, such as co-working or remote working. There is a question of consistency and unity, but there is also a question of appeal and lure in order for the organization to attract and recruit new people.

Putting this perspective physically, the company's physical location will play a significant role in the success of an employer's brand. For an equivalent designation and remuneration, it's a safe bet that candidates will choose the company that, in addition to offering them the option of remote working, also allows them to work in its facilities because they know they'll feel comfortable there, work efficiently, and have rewarding interactions with their co-workers.

With all this going around, office space is becoming all the more a symbol of a company's success. It is no longer important that the workspace should accommodate all of the people.

For more information on office space for rent in Noida please visit us: https://www.anthurium.in/


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Anthurium Noida
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