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Know the top 9 tools that will help web developers shine in 2022

GlobalHunt Technologies

Since the beginning of the internet and the growth of the digital world, the role of a web developer has also evolved over time. Today modern web developers are expected to know way around the different web development tools. That's why many web developers generally rely on their digital toolbox containing all the required ideal tools for developing a website.

In today's digital era, knowing your tools inside out is extremely essential for the overall functioning and productivity of your business. If you don't want to struggle in your day-to-day job then gaining insightful knowledge on the top web development tools will be a wise decision. Also, knowing your web development tools all too well is the key to taking your business one step closer to success.

Not only web developers are expected to be savvy with tools that allow them to test or debug a code or check the interface of a website or web application. But also web developers require a range of tools to use in their day-to-day workflows that go beyond debugging and testing. These tools will help developers level up their skills and productivity by relieving them from all the complicated responsibilities and easing up their daily development tasks.

While working committedly towards becoming a successful developer, continue reading the blog to find out the list of top 9 significant tools all frontend and backend developers need to learn in 2022.

1- Postman

For developers searching for a tool that efficiently helps them in building, testing, and modifying the various application programming interface(APIs), Postman can be their perfect partner. This premium web development tool encapsulates in it almost every functionality needed by web developers. Now API development can be magnificently made easier and simpler and team collaboration can be easily simplified with the use of postman.

2- Chrome developer tools

Tools specifically made into the Google Chrome web browser are commonly known as the chrome developer tools. With chrome developer tools, you would no longer have to download any programs or check the macOS compatibility. You can straightaway click in the browser, choose “Inspect” and get started with your development process. You can edit pages, examine different HTML elements, diagnose problems with your sites, check javascript, and change a page’s style sheets(CSS) as per your evolving needs.

3- NPM (Node Package Manager)

While node package manager is a package manager for NodeJS, it also works as a command-line tool for installing, updating, and then uninstalling the Node.js packages in your application. JavaScript developers also use this tool as an open-source project as it offers them an easy way to share code modules. The Node Package Manager also allows developers to find everything including front-end web apps to robots and routers.

4- Jasmine

Being a behavior-driven development framework, Jasmine is used for testing JavaScript code and performing test cases similar to user behavior on your website. Developers can now easily test their web applications and use the Jasmine framework as their testing runtime.

5- Visual Studio Code

VS Code is a free intelligent open-source code editor and a powerful tool that comes with a number of features like code completion, embedded Git, code refactoring, testing support, and syntax highlighting. The customizable VS code allows you to debug the code with breakpoints and download extensions as per your needs.

6- Docker

The popular container platform helps developers improve their application performance by packaging all code and dependencies like system libraries and settings. Docker is also a must-know tool for Web Developers which allows the application to run in different environments.

7- Cloud (AWS, Azure, or GCP)

Before choosing a cloud platform for migrating your applications, you should first know your business goals. Using the fastest-growing cloud platforms such as Microsoft azure your firm can migrate their project and easily build and support any application.

8- Webpack

Improve your Developer Productivity by using the open-source JavaScript module bundler primarily designed for javascript. Especially when it comes to frontend developers, they need to be experts at using the Webpack tool. Thus developers can work towards increasing their business efficiency without facing many troubles.

9- Gitbash

Primarily used for enabling git with the command line in the system, and also for providing git command line inexperience on the operating system. This popular web development tool is something modern web developers should be familiar with.

Today modern web developers, coders, and designers should be familiar with the multiple web development frameworks and tools designed especially to make the work of newbies or experienced developers easier and smooth going. if you still found yourself confused with website development related queries, then consider contacting GlobalHunt Technologies and get expert help from our team of qualified developers and designers.

GlobalHunt Technologies
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