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How To Optimize Your SEO Sales Pitch

GlobalHunt Technologies
How To Optimize Your SEO Sales Pitch

SEO is a popular type of digital marketing service. But it can be very challenging to sell because there are numerous types of SEO services and service providers who are offering them.

How to sell the SEO services

There are a few scenarios where you have to sell or present organic SEO as an option for your customer. Then we will dive into the plans we use and the differences in approach between these situations.

Selling SEO services to leads that have requested

Someone requested additional information from your site or you were handed a referral. That possible client has expressed interest or importance in SEO. This is the easiest scenario to handle and in which we can aid you to get your close rate high. Your lead has previously expressed interest in SEO and they understand its importance to their business. As they are previously sold on SEO, now it is your job to sell them why they should select your agency to build the strategy and implementation to go with it.

Selling SEO as an add-on to extra services

This is what can really set you apart as the best SEO company in India and more earning potential in business. Here you may have a prevailing relationship where you served this customer in some way or handled additional areas of their marketing. While they may not have asked for SEO services, you have recognized organic search as an area of chance for their business and since you are their partner, you need to get them to pay care to SEO and sell them extra services.

Selling SEO services to cold contacts

The idea here is that based on your searching, you have recognized as a potentially good fit customer that also could profit from SEO. But they have no involvement with you as an agency and you are ignorant of their history with SEO.

Step-by-step process of selling SEO

Gather extra business context

This is significant as it will let you speak to the areas of the business that they need to focus on, or a priority or profitable to them. This will show that you actually understand their business and have well-paid attention.

Conduct a discovery assessment of issues & opportunities

This is similar to a free SEO audit. This looks at a mix of issues and chances to technical aspects, keyword significance, website structure, and link profile, along with a review of opportunities to comprehend what areas of their business could move the needle to shoot great wins at the beginning of the campaign. There are many eCommerce SEO packages but you can also do these yourself.

Regulate a good fit for SEO 

If you are selling to prevailing clients, you will likely be doing the discovery without any contact with the customer and only if the customer is a good fit for organic services. But, if this is a warm lead, you are going to need to be extra sure that this site and business are a good fit with how you structure any campaign and approach SEO.

Present significant issues and opportunities 

We know more about the business and its specific market and the chance that exists for them in it. Now it is time to communicate how you are going to take the process and help them grow through SEO.

Deliver proposal outline cost and the full scope of work

Once you have carried out the findings and the full plan of action, it is good practice to deliver a written scope of work by explaining how the campaign works and the process, deliverables, etc. are mapped out. This typically includes pricing & a sign-off to get happening.


GlobalHunt Technologies provides all its partners with the proposals and the full scope of the work documents, but you could simply wrap these in any of the third-party proposal software to get the sign-off process very easy and it gets deposited quickly and very easily. Once you have sign-off, you can now move into the customer journey and we need to focus on their gratification and confirm that they have made the correct decision with our services.

GlobalHunt Technologies
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