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RPL Nursing Pathway (MSc Nursing Programme Summary)

RPL Nursing Pathway (MSc Nursing Programme Summary)

Do you want to work as a qualified nurse in the UK but don’t know how to use the RPL Nursing pathway? Don’t worry, your doubt and worry will fade away right after reading this article.

Here, we have provided you with a simple and clear summary of the program. Let’s move ahead to know the summary.

Summary of the programme (RPL nursing):

The MSc Nursing (RN/pre-registration) (Adult) (Children’s Nursing) (Mental Healthy) is a way in Nursing that is available for those graduates who have shown the capability of studying independently at level 6. You are required to have self-direction; academic skill and competency in learning; capability of searching, assessing ananalyzingng research and information, and effective and excellent communication skills.

These needs will be reviewed with the RPL (Recognition of Prior Learning) process before you start the pre-registration nursing programme.

In the RPL process or RPL nursing pathway, you need to show attainment of the equivalent of 15 credits, 675 of the theoretical ho,urs and map learning against recognized learning results from Program Stage 1 of the BSc (Hons) Nursing (RN/Pre-registration) programme.


You can also show attainment of mentioned learning outcomes that are the equivalent of 500 clinical hours as the admission process part; if you are not able to show attainment of 500 clinical hours in the RPL process, you will complete 500 clinical hours at the end of your programme with an extra 4-month placement to fulfill the requirements to apply for registration with the Nursery and Midwifery Council.

But, if you are a Tier 4 student, then you have to show attainment of mentioned learning outcomes that are equivalent to 500 clinical hours as part of the admissions process.

The base of your nursing programme is ‘Person-Centred Care’ which is a way of thing and giving health care while viewing service users as important partners in developing, planning, and monitoring care to make sure that requirements are satisfied. Person-centered care doesn’t only mean giving people anything they ask for, but person-centered care takes values, individual family situations, social circumstances, and lifestyles.

This method needs a holistic and inclusive approach to care and sets the basis of shadecision-makingking. That’s why people are taken as individuals and forming an influential relationship to help decision making and care delivery is key to this.

The innovative and dynamic natured programme utiliperson-centeredtred care way as a focus to keep you ready to achieve an MSc in Nursing (RN/Pre-registration) (Adult) (Mental Health) (Children’s Nursing) and to be qualified to apply for being a registered nurse with the NMC the expectation is that you will be able to become a skilled, reflective, knowledgeable, culturally sensitive, adaptable and sympathetic practitioner (a City nurse).

Your study programme will help you attain appropriate knowledge and skills. Moreover, it will also enable you to fulfill complicated healthcare requirements of members of the community across a wide range of practice settings that promote population-based attention.

The programme is organized in a way to support the integration of mental and physical health. Furthermore, it is also designed to support the integration of care across social and health care.

It will also make it much easier for you, as a nurse, to show the professional values demanded, to give quality proof informed care to all people, their families and their communities.

You will be a critical user of proof making you able to develop a well-informed and creative way to care; this contains critical engagement with research and other forms of proof in all programme stages and will end when you complete a dissertation in your last stage of the programme.

This programme encourages a commitment to whole life learning and academic excellence in facilitation, teaching, clinical practice, and leadership organized to support your future wishes as a registered nurse.

The MSc in Nursing (RN/pre-registration) programme contains three pathways, showing the 3 practice fields: children’s nursing, adult nursing, and mental health nursing.

For this programme, you need to satisfy the NMC standards for PreRegistartion Nursing Pathway (2018) and attain mentioned learning outcomes that will have evaluation throughout your programme.

The professional, academic, intellectual,l and clinical abilities that you must attain if you have picked the Adult Nursing practice field are also informed by the European Directive 2005/36/EC (as changed by Directive 2013/55/EU).

This programme will enable you to achieve clinical proficiency in your picked practice field. Some of the learning activities will be shared with student nurses of some other practice fields, but most of your learning will happen in field-specific groups or practice experiences.

You will also partake in learning with students from professional subjects like Speech and Language Therapy, which will help you develop the capability of working much more effectively in the inter-professional team.


We hope you have a clear idea of the programme, and how the RPL Nursing pathway can help you accomplish your dreams.

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