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The real benefits of organic meat sunshine coast.

Grace Kellar
The real benefits of organic meat sunshine coast.

It’s not uncommon to read about outbreaks of foodborne illness. In fact, foodborne illness causes around three thousand deaths yearly. Meat is the culprit here; most commonly this leads to those pesky E. coli , campylobacters and salmonella bacteria getting us into some rather tricky positions that we sometimes come close to losing the battle with. For this reason, some people turn to organic meat and poultry in hopes of lowering their risk of illness. Does eating organic beef or poultry reduce your risk of ingesting bacteria?

Organic Meat and Food Safety

It might seem that eating a vegan diet would reduce your risk of disease once you rid yourself of dairy products and other animal-based food choices. After all, there’s less of a risk for contamination when the meat processing plants have slaughtering machines that move quickly down long assembly lines to get the meat out and on to supermarket shelves. Plus, the live animals don’t have access to open fields or the best quality food, so they are not as healthy as their organic counterparts. However, research has shown that an organic diet will not necessarily cure all illnesses.

According to a recent Food Safety News report, Department of Agriculture’s National Research Initiative (USDA-NRI), conventional poultry, organic poultry, and organic meat had comparable levels of Campylobacter bacteria. As might be expected, though, conventional meat products had higher levels of bacteria that were antibiotic-resistant.You have to treat organic meat as carefully as conventional meat to protect your family. Just as with conventional meat, you need to-

  • Refrigerate meat. If you won’t be using it within two days, freeze it.
  • Wash and disinfect all utensils, boards, and surfaces that come into contact with uncooked meat before using them again and wash your hands properly. 
  • Heat meat to at least 140 degrees Fahrenheit before serving. 

The Real Benefits of Organic Meat

Even though eating organic beef may not reduce your risk for a foodborne illness, this option is still the healthier choice. When you buy certified organic beef, it hasn’t been exposed to hormones or antibiotics and the meat has never been irradiated. The animals were probably raised on a family farm where they were treated humanely and where green “fair farming” practices were used. It’s a more humane choice for the animal and for the environment.

If you eat organic, it means you’re reducing your exposure to the growth hormone and antibiotics that are given to animals in order to increase their size and weight. Not only does eating meat or any animal products free of antibiotics reduce antibiotic resistance; there is also concern that the use of these practices may increase the risk of certain types of cancer such as breast and prostate cancer among others. Eating organic produce will also keep you from ingesting gnarly chemicals that are sometimes used in non-organic systems. Organic produce contains more nutrients in comparison since chemicals are not consumed by humans for potentially lasting effects!


Organic meat products have become a booming niche in recent years. If you sit around wondering if organic meat is healthier than regular, non organic meat, the answer is no. Organic really means all natural and while that’s great for your health long term, it doesn’t improve the nutritional value of meat. If anything, it leads to people spending more money on packaged goods with higher saturated fat content. If you choose to go organic, do so for moral reasons only, not health reasons! But how does one decide? It all depends on what kind of person you are and what your personal values are when it comes to food. If you are looking for Organic meat sunshine coast or Organic meat gold coast, you can check out our website for fresh and healthy organic meat. 

Source URL: https://malenyblackangusbeef.com.au/

Grace Kellar
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