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Most Admirable Mathura’s Malai Penda | Mithai and more

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Most Admirable Mathura’s Malai Penda | Mithai and more

Succulent milk-based fudge, Malai Penda makes for a luxurious treat. Originating from Mathura, Malai Penda is a North Indian sweet delight, prepared with Khoya, full cream milk and sugar. Richly textured khoya is obtained from a special process of curdling full fat milk. It's a perfect dish to serve on festivals like Krishna Janmashtami. While the rich texture and mouthfeel makes it a hit among the kids, the intense flavour and exceptional aroma is loved by the adults. Relish the heavenly Malai Penda with your loved ones on significant celebrations including Birthdays and festivals such as Raksha Bandhan, Christmas, Diwali, Holi, New Year and Id.

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