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Prime Motichoor ladoo in Ahmedabad | Mithai and More

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Prime Motichoor ladoo in Ahmedabad | Mithai and More

Motichoor ladoo, one of the most admired Indian sweets, is made from fine boondi, where the balls are tiny and are cooked with pure ghee. Made from gram flour, this sweet is a must try. They will easily melt in the mouth and disappear. Enhancing the mood of festivity, Diwali is incomplete without the spherical shaped sweet. Available in 2 variants of 250 gm and 500 gm for you to choose from. Relish the heavenly Motichoor Ladoo with your loved ones on significant celebrations including Birthdays and festivals such as Raksha Bandhan, Christmas, Diwali, Holi, New Year and Id.

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