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Boolean Operators and Its Types

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Boolean Operators and Its Types



True or False represent 2 heights that have a lot of intent in Mathematics and Logic, these values come under a different data type called Boolean. In programming, we use Boolean data type in comparisons and inflow of control.


True or False are called Boolean values which are keywords in Python. Instructions that connect drivers and values to perform exact or logical calculations are called expressions.

Expressions that yield in these Boolean values and are formed with drivers called Boolean drivers are called Boolean expressions. The operations that take place in the procedure are called Boolean operations.



The built-in names in python aren't keywords. Keywords in python language are regular variables. However, also you might stamp the raised-in value, If you assign them the keyword. In disagreement, the names True and False aren't built- sways. They're the keywords. Although multiple other Python keywords, True and False are Python expressions. But, these expressions can be applied wherever other expressions are being used, for illustration, 1 1 can be used as an expression.



Arithmetic operators

Arithmetic operators are applied to make mathematical operations like addition, deduction, multiplication, etc.


Arithmetic Operators perform varied arithmetic computations like addition, subtraction, addition, division, modulus, exponent, etc. There are varied styles for arithmetic computation in Python like you can apply the eval function, declare variable & calculate, or call functions.











Comparison operators

Comparison operators are operated to compare values. It returns either True or False corresponding to the condition.



Comparison Operators In Python compares the values on either side of the operand and determines the relation between them. It's also applied to as relational operators. varied comparison operators in python are







! =

> =

< =


Logical Operators-


Logical operators in Python are applied for contingent statements are true or false. Logical drivers in Python are AND, OR and NOT. For logical operators succeeding condition are applied.







Boolean operators python are one of the predominant reason that comes in handy while programming, especially while doing some decision making in the reason. Having a thorough knowledge of how they carry would make you an overdue programmer.

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