The keywords are fed by the programming language for a specific task. They've special meanings. Keywords can not be used as identifiers. The keywords are also known as reticent words. When there's a statement in the program as int number = 2; it means that the number is a variable which contains the value 2. The int is a keyword. It informs the compiler that the memory position can store an integer value. When there's a statement as pier area; the pier is a keyword and field is an identifier. The area variable can hold a floating- point value.
A name created by the programmer to trace a variable, function or class is understood as an identifier. The identifiers are used to identify these realities uniquely. It's important to give meaningful names to the identifiers to frame the law effortlessly readable. It'll also help different programmers to identify what the program is about.
There are certain rules when creating identifiers. Identifiers are allowed only to apply alphabetical characters, integers and underscore. It isn't recommended to start an identifier with a number. When there's a statement similar as in t number = 4; the number is the identifier.
Identifier and keyword are common terms used in programming. When there's a statement in the as in to mark; the mark is an identifier and in t is the keyword. An identifier is created by the programmer while the keyword is applied by the compiler for a especial action.
This composition bandied the difference between keywords and identifier in Python. The contrast between identifier and keyword is that an identifier is a user defines a name for variable, function, class while a keyword is a reticent word handed by the programming language.
I hope you learn difference between keywords and Identifiers here.