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Most legit ways to shift to Canada from India

Passage Abroad Consultancy
Most legit ways to shift to Canada from India

This is true, when it comes immgration, Indians share their first vote to Canada. There are many other countries, including the UK, USA, Newzealand, and Australia, that are suitable and ideal for falling in immigration category, but Indians no doubt prefer Canada. It is not a recent development, but a consistent choice for many decades. No doubt the other countries also share good professional enhancement and better standard of living, but it has been visible that Indians are more inclined towards Canada. 

Canada is a beautiful country, with a lot many things to explore and learn. Canada is home to scenic beauty that is enjoyed by the residents and even the tourists all over the world. Not only is it a beautiful country, it is a healthy country. The government of Canada pays special attention to the healthcare system of their residents. They have up-to-date facilities for healthcare and expert professionals to keep it all going. They value human resources and believe in working for them. There is a specific demand for medical professionals and healthcare workers so that the country can maintain the good health of its residents and also develop a better healthcare system. Such unique features and thought process sets this country apart from the other country. 

Also, Study in Canada values the professionals for their qualities and expertise. The country under skilled worker programs is looking for professionals and experts who can help to enhance the economic system of the country. Under the Express Entry Programs the professionals are invited by the immigration authorities of the country. People from all over the world participate in this draw and those who are selected through a point-based-system are asked to apply for the Permanent Residency and if everything goes well and the immigration authorities are satisfied with the documents then the applicant can easily get in the country and join a job in their field. The country understands the importance of the professionals and hence work to get the young and the best ones through these programs. 

This is not all, Canada holds some of the best educational universities, where students from all around the world come together and take-up various educational courses as per their passion and choice. The Canadian Universities offer a number of courses in English and French that are easy to understand for international students. Therefore, Canada is an international education hub where students come and explore a number of courses with high-class theoretical as well as practical knowledge. 

So, no doubt with so many perks and facilities many Indians may opt to migrate to such an open and fast moving country. Also, there are many Indians settled there and that will help them to adjust to a country. This is one of the big factors that push the Indians to prefer Canada over any other country.

Here are various legit ways to shift to Canada-

Through the Work Permits / Intra-Company Transfers

The Indian nationals may also be eligible with a Canadian work permit. Generally, a job offer is required to get a work permit, otherwise there can be exceptions through intra-company transfers. 

If the current employer is part of a multinational corporation and works through offices in Canada, then the aspirant can be eligible to be transferred to an office in Canada, without too much paperwork! To understand the concept better you may consult Canada work permit consultants in Chandigarh. 


Express Entry – Federal Skilled Worker

The Federal Skilled Worker is one of the most popular ways of entering and settling in Canada. Those who are specialists in their fields and hold one-year of skilled work experience may apply under these programs. This is highly competitive and also uses the complex Comprehensive Ranking System to give all applicants a points-based score. Inreality the most competitive applicants are selected for immigration. To know better about this particular program it is advisable to contact and look for information through Canada work permit consultants in Chandigarh. They may help you the best. 

Provincial Nominee Programs (PNPs)- Each of Canada’s thirteen provinces and territories also operates its own immigration programs, where they call upon the required professionals from different countries. Such programs are known as Provincial Nominee Programs, or PNPs. As the provinces have different populations and economies, their immigration programs are also different and built to fit their economic and demographic needs.

PNPs are one of the most preferred options as they can be the fastest pathway to Canadian permanent residence.

So, these are the few legit ways that will help to realise your dream of settling in Canada. For this you need to sit, read and completely understand the requirements of various programs and then you need to figure out what is required from your end.

Passage Abroad Consultancy
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