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Preparing A Tooth for Dental Crown

Mesa Dental
Preparing A Tooth for Dental Crown

Dental crowns act as a replacement for the entire tooth for patients with larger cavities or those who have recently undergone dental root canal therapy. Some people also go for dental crowns for cosmetic reasons. 

If your tooth permanently breaks, you can replace it with a new one, but in most injuries, the tooth is either half-broken or decayed; hence, wearing a dental crown on the newly crafted tooth can prevent the infection from spreading reduce other related injuries.  

What is a dental crown?

As mentioned above, a dental crown is a sort of protective layer which protects the tooth and covers the hollow space lying under the cavity. One of the prominent reasons dentists suggests dental crowns is that they securely fit on the tooth, eliminating the risk of bacteria at-risk tooth. 

In this article, we will learn about preparing a tooth for a dental crown and provide a detailed guide about the procedure. 

1: Numbing the surrounding region:

The first and foremost step in the procedure is numbing the tooth as the tools used for the procedure will come close to the gingival tissue; hence it can make the patient feel uneasy or painful if they have undergone root canal therapy. 

2: Preparing shades of the tooth:

Dentists have to understand the maxillary and mandibular arches before they can devise a dental crown; hence they make shades and impressions to ensure that the crown perfectly fits in shape. Patients can select the type of dental crown they want, but porcelain and ceramic are the two most common materials for a dental crown. 

3: Removal of the tooth and decay material:

The dentist will precisely remove the decayed material and the broken tooth before implanting the dental crown. Moreover, doing so will also help them get a final impression of the alignment hence preventing the chances of errors. 

4: Implanting the dental crown:

Once the decayed material and tooth are removed from the cavity, the dentists or their assistants will fabricate the dental crown. The dental crown plays a huge role in keeping the new tooth intact and acts as a physical barrier between bacteria and the new tooth. 

Moreover, a tooth without a dental crown will also fall as it will be sensitive when exposed to temperature and pressure. After a few days, when your dentists feel your tooth is completely dried after a few days, the dentist will replace the temporary crown with the permanent one. 

Are you looking for dental crown treatment in San Diego? Mesa dental have a team of highly-experienced dentists to reshape your fractured tooth.

For more information visit our website https://mesadentalsd.com/

Mesa Dental
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