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Here Is What You Should Do When Google Ranking Is Dropping

Here Is What You Should Do When Google Ranking Is Dropping

What should you do when website ranking is dropping? It may be some high-ranking pages or a bunch of performing pages. But whichever situation you face, it can be a horror story for your brand.


Hence, you may look for the Best Digital Marketing Agency in Delhi in such a situation. Or you can look for the best possible solution to fix such errors. As a marketer, you should know, Google changes its algorithms every day. It keeps coming with one or another update in the market.


Hence, it's obvious your marketing efforts may go in the wrong direction if such updates come. That can impact search or social ranking; look for the below-mentioned solutions. So, you can deal with such ranking drops professionally and maintain traffic. 

#1. Manual Search Engine Penalty on Your Website

It is one of the most common things websites can face these days. The term manual search-engine penalty means some other people have reviewed your website. And they told Google your website does not comply with Google's webmaster guidelines.


It can be because of thin content, unnatural links, and another type of spam. Hence, you can contact Digital Marketing Agency in Delhi or check types of manual actions. So, your team can fix this error and retain traffic. 

#2. Check Google Algorithms Updates.

Your website's search traffic can also be dropped because of the new Google update. You can consider checking such new Google's Algorithm Updates. So, you can understand the necessary changes you can make. However, it is supposed that Google considers over 200 ranking factors.


But when you calculate the series of its updates, it will go into the thousands. Therefore, as a small and medium business owner, it can be tough to analyze real issues. Hence, you can prefer the ideal Digital Marketing Company in Delhi. That has experience doing the same task as you want them to do. 

#3. Decreased Backlinks

It is another reason that is causing your website's traffic. Many times websites that link your web pages may remove the link. And if you have gotten unnatural links, it can also affect traffic.


So, keep monitoring your quality backlinks whether they are decreasing. You should also try to get quality and natural links from other websites. And make sure these sites offer you long-term link-building options. 


Your website ranking may drop because of Google's Algorithm updates. Manual search penalties and decreased quality backlinks can also decrease website traffic. Not only this, if your competitors are doing better than you.


It can also affect your website's traffic over time. So, you should either hire a Digital Marketing Agency in Delhi or an in-house team. That can help you fix such search issues and maintain a high search position.

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