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Is LinkedIn Allows Freelancers to Promote Services For Free?

Temok IT Services
Is LinkedIn Allows Freelancers to Promote Services For Free?

Is LinkedIn Allows Freelancer to Promote their Services For Free?

The world’s largest professional network LinkedIn has introduced a service marketplace that helps individuals, business startups, or freelancers to get orders by promoting their services on LinkedIn for free. In 2021, the LinkedIn services marketplace became available with limitations, but it is now available for all to get started promoting their businesses. It was first launched in February 2021 to a small group for testing, and it has been expanded to more than two million freelancers.

This guide will show you how to get started with LinkedIn services Marketplace with a step-by-step guide and how it can lead to lucrative opportunities as a freelancer.

What is LinkedIn Services Marketplace?

You can say, LinkedIn Services marketplace is a search engine that is used to find experienced and qualified professionals to hire for short- or long-term projects. Read More

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Zupyak is the world’s largest content marketing community, with over 400 000 members and 3 million articles. Explore and get your content discovered.
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