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Private Limited Company Registration in Jaipur

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Private Limited Company Registration in Jaipur

Private Limited Company registration is the most popular form of a “legal structure” for all businesses in India.

A private limited company can have a minimum of two members and a maximum of fifty members.

The directors of a private limited company have limited liability to their creditors and Banks/Creditors are allowed to sell only the assets of the company (when there is a scenario of default).

The creditors do not have the authority to sell the personal assets of directors. Do ensure that your company is registered, for starting a company in India.

“Company Registration” is the foremost mandatory step for the beginning of a new venture.

The private limited company registration process is very important, as it provides authenticity to your proposed business structure. Though you need to make sure that you have all the required “Private limited company registration documents”.

In the long run, the registration will provide you a great number of advantages such as “from registering in a hassle-free manner to dissolving easily also.”

“Start-ups and growing companies” prefer the tag of a “Private limited company”.

Contact Legalwindow for “Private limited company registration in India.

The liabilities of its shareholders become limited when they can raise outside funding in an easy manner.

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